Thursday, May 22, 2014

Chinese Birth Gender Chart, Affordable Method to Determine Baby’s Gender

When you are expecting a baby, you are really excited to hear the news. You might wonder about the baby’s gender. Actually, the baby’s gender is determined by several genetics and hormone factors. When the mother’s body produces the acid vaginal liquid, the chance to get a baby girl is increasing because according to the scientific research, the sperms that contain boy chromosome is more fragile than the sperms that contain girl chromosome. When the mother’s vaginal liquid is more acid, then the fragile boy sperms will not live longer to reach the ovum. So when the vaginal liquid is more acid, then it is higher the chance to get a baby girl. This medical fact is used by doctors and health experts to create a method where you can determine your baby’s gender. But the process is very complicated and the price is very expensive. There is one simple method to determine your baby’s gender, by using the Chinese Birth Gender Chart.
Chinese Birth Gender Chart
The ancient Chinese were very famous for their knowledge about astronomy, philosophy, technique, and healthy. They created the early medical process and traditional cure of several diseases. The ancient Chinese also created a calendar that would help us determine the gender of the baby. The history about this lunar calendar that was created to determine the baby’s gender came from the rule and policy in China that did not allow two children in a family. So a family was only allowed to have one kid. This policy is created because we know that China has the biggest population in the world, so the government uses this policy to press the population growth. The Chinese Birth Gender Chart is used to determine the baby’s gender because a boy is preferable in Chinese tradition.
This Chinese Birth Gender Chart is very valuable if you want to determine your baby’s gender. The chart of this lunar calendar now can be found easily on the internet. To use this lunar baby calendar is very easy. But make sure that you check the calendar before you are having sex with your partner. There are several months in a year that will determine your baby’s gender. This calculation is along with the age of the mother. For example, if you are a mother and now you are 18 years old, then the best moment to have sex in order to get a boy are in February, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. While when you want a baby girl, you have to be pregnant in January and March. This calendar is very useful and easy to do. There is no need to spend a lot of money to pay the doctor for medical process when you want to determine your baby’s gender.
The accuracy of Chinese BirthGender Chart is still unknown up to now. There is no scientific research that ever reveals the success rate of this method. But some people who have tried this method said that the success rate when we use Chinese lunar calendar to determine baby’s gender is from 50% to 90%. This success rate is considered as high for a traditional method that is never tested by modern science. So, if you want to determine your baby’s gender, you can use this method which is a 100% free from charge and 100% free from medical side effect.