Expecting a baby is
the most wonderful thing in the world. Whether it is expected or not, pregnancy
will give you a tingling sensation to know what is your future decent going to
be. Before going further, most of the parents would likely to know the gender
of the baby, in order to prepare the baby needs. Many invented ways have been
done to know the gender of the baby. Medically, it is commonly known as USG
(Ultrasonography) or Diagnosticsonography, it is an imaging technique to know
the body structure using the ultrasound. It is considered harmless and
effective to be executed during pregnancy. It is, nowadays, also considered
quite dangerous to the growth of the baby later on. People then go back to the
traditional method, namely calendar prediction. One of the most well-known
calendar predictions is the Chinese calendar for baby gender.
The Chinese have been using their traditional prediction in almost every aspect of
life. They are so proud of their prediction because of its accuracy, so the
echo has been spreading widely all over the world. They use many alternatives
to predict almost everything; one of them is using
the Chinese calendar for baby gender, It was invented a very long
time ago along with the Chinese’ invention of their culture. The prediction
works by calculating the Chinese lunar calendar starting from the day when the
mother is stated pregnant; the month and the year are included. It is not
magically happening that the prediction of the baby gender will appear, but it
has its own calculation that only the experts know.
The method of Chinese calendar for babygender involves many signs and numbers based on your day of birth
according to the Chinese lunar calendar. You are going to need the Chinese
lunar calendar and a person who can read and calculate it for you. Today, we
can find the chart easily on the internet. You can simply go to a certain page
and add your age together with your month of pregnancy to the screen; the
computer counts it for you, and voila
you can start to prepare toys or dolls for your baby! Even though it has no
scientific evidence yet, the result is commonly about 70% accurate.
Prediction using Chinese calendar for babygender is safer than using the USG scan; it will do no harm to the baby
and the mother because nothing to put on or to insert into the belly that might
interrupt the baby growth or the mother’s safety. As a matter of fact, some
studies on USG practice during pregnancy have found that the ultrasound may
cause the neuronal damage of the baby.
Now, who can blame the person's tendency to believe and practice the
superstitious things? It is always interesting to do so. People would like to
use the traditional methods because they are closely related to their culture
and ancestors; people will follow what they always experience in the daily
basis and being skeptical of new things. Using Chinesecalendar for baby gender is an alternative that is worth trying.