Monday, May 19, 2014

Play the Quiz of Baby Gender Prediction by Using Chinese calendar Gender Predictor

China is an agricultural country like Indonesia and most Asian countries. In many agricultural countries especially China, people believe that the baby’s gender takes the significant meaning for the family and the country. The ancient Chinese also believed that baby boys were considered as the welfare carrier but the baby girl was not. That’s why the ancient Chinese preferred the baby boy to a baby girl, this is the reason why the ancient Chinese always predicted the baby’ gender. To predict the baby’s gender, the ancient Chinese created a chart which is now called the ChineseCalendar Gender Predictor.
The Chinese Calendar Gender Predictor was firstly found in the old tombs which were built around seven hundred years ago. This Chinese Calendar Gender was then exhibited at the institute of Science in Peking. Since it was founded, there have been many opinions on the accuracy of this kind of baby gender prediction. Many medical experts say that people should not consider it seriously. Scientifically, there is no evidence that this kind of calendar gender predictor is accurate. People may use it just for fun. It must be so curious for most pregnant woman to know about their baby’s gender., several researches and observation show that almost 50% cases of ChineseCalendar Gender Predictor are claimed to be correct and accurate predictions. Perhaps, for western people, it does not matter if the baby is a baby boy or a baby girl. But for eastern people, most parents prefer to have a baby boy to a baby girl. And there were cases when parents chose to do abortion when the prediction said that they would get a baby girl. That is why, Asian people, especially the ancient Chinese consider that the calendar gender predictor is really important in their life because the born baby will bring them in certain condition (bad or prosperous life).
But now the application of the calendar gender predictor is really different. People today use this kind of predictor just for entertaining purpose. Actually it is very simple to use the ChineseCalendar Gender Predictor to predict your baby’s gender. It is important to know that before using the calendar gender predictor, you must use the chart based on Chinese lunar age. Then, the mother’s age and mother’s birth date. These data of birth date will be able to predict the baby’s gender. And now the calendar gender predictor is available online so you can play the quiz of baby gender prediction with your husband.
The main factor that affects the accuracy of Chinese Calendar GenderPredictor is the time of conception. Perhaps most women do not remember when they start the pregnancy period. The time of conception must be matched to the Chinese lunar age. You can access the Chinese lunar age on the internet to see your Chinese lunar age. Once you have known your Chinese lunar age, then you will be able to predict your baby’s gender by matching your age when the conception starts and the time when the baby is born.