Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The History of Ancient Chinese Gender Prediction Chart

There are several ways to predict your unborn gender of baby. The development of technology makes it easier to know your future child. However, the Chinese people have traditional method to predict their future children. They have special calendar that is called Chinese Gender Prediction Chart. This chart is a lunar calendar that was invented by certain persons from Chinese to help Chinese couples forecast the gender of the baby. The ChineseGender Prediction Chart has been used since thousands years ago.

This calendar has been used since ancient Chinese society when they really respected for male children than female children. The reason was simple because male children had more capability and ability especially for making more money than female children. Moreover, the emperor also needed male children in order to be his heir of throne. Then, since China was an agricultural country, male children could help to work. On the other hand, female children were considered expenses because they had to get married and would be taken by the husbands.
Beside as a prediction Chart, this calendar can also be used as gender selection chart. So in advance it can be a chart for planning the date of conception. The Chinese gender calendar is also known as Chinese Lunar Calendar or Xia Li. Its age is supposed to be 7,000 years old. Reportedly, it was created by ancient Chinese scientists. The original calendar chart was discovered over 700 years ago. Now the original calendar is placed in a certain museum in Beijing. Before it is placed in Museum, Institute of Science in Peking had studied the original chart in order to get more information. The method of the gender of an unborn baby prediction by using Chinese Gender PredictionChart is believed as the oldest method that has ever been employed.
You can find the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart that is available online. How to use the chart is very easy. First, you calculate the mother’s lunar age, then cross reference that lunar age with the planned time of conception or the actual conception time to predict the gender of baby. The calculation use the Chinese lunar months, on the other hand the moon’s phase calculate the dates. The result depends on the woman’s age and the conception time. However, you have several basic concepts about the Chinese system. There is a difference how the Chinese system calculates the age. According to the system, baby’s age is already one year when he or she is born. So if you want to use the Calendar, you have to follow correctly the calculation of her conception time and also adjust her age and conception date according to the Chinese Lunar Calendar and the Chinese system. If you conduct the calculation by using the west’s Gregorian system and calendar for Chinese gender prediction, it is very impracticable. The system of Gregorian calendar and the system of Chinese lunar calendar is very different and complex. Both of them are developed by different persons and different astronomical rules. There is no further study that the Chinese GenderPrediction Chart is 100% accurate. However, most people that have already tried it said that their prediction based on the calendar is true.